MoCap Online - Legal

For MoCap Online, here's a list of the essential elements of our Legal Section that Users should take in to account, along with a brief description of each.

1. End-User License Agreements (EULA)

Specifically related to our digital products, this agreement details how customers can use our animations, restrictions on their use, and any rights that Mocap Online or the Users hold regarding the assets.

Purpose: To license our digital products to end-users under specific terms and conditions, protecting our intellectual property while granting the right to use it in the User´s projects.

Commercial License To buy the License, click here.

Form should also go here if needed. 

Standard License 

It's wise to require users to agree to our Standard License Terms and Conditions when they register an account or make a purchase, ensuring they understand and accept it under which they're buying and using your products.

2. Privacy Policy

Explains how we collect, use, store, and protect users' personal data. 

Purpose: To comply with legal requirements (like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California) and reassure users about their privacy.

Mocap Online Privacy Policy

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Usage Permit.

The AI Usage Permit would detail the scope of use, restrictions, rights, and responsibilities associated with utilizing the AI technology provided by the company. This could include, but is not limited to, AI-driven tools for animation, AI-based analytics for customer behavior, or any AI-enhanced software applications made available to users or clients.

Purpose: Protect Intellectual Property, Define Usage Scope, Ensure Compliance with Laws, Liability Limitation, User Responsibilities and Rights, Ethical and Responsible Use.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Usage Permit

Form should also go here if needed. 

4. Contact Information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Purpose: To provide a direct line of communication for support or sales inquiries, improving customer satisfaction and trust. Also, to reduce customer support queries and clarify common misunderstandings or questions.

Email us at for any questions regarding our legal regulation that haven't been covered in our FAQ.

You can also submit a ticket through our website:

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