FREE T.C. Sword Animation MoCap Pack (Demo)

By MoCap Online

$ 0.00

Tony Cross Sword Animation Pack

Download the Free T.C. Sword Animation Pack, containing animation files in FBX, UE4, iClone and Unity 3D formats.  

  • We intended to create a base set of sword motions with add-on packs for various weapon types. The first add-on was to utilize over-the-top weapons and gameplay similar to “Dark Souls”, one of Tony's favorite games.
  • Tony was the brainchild of the sword animation pack. He brought excitement to the project. He did extensive research, wrote the shot list, ran the shoot, and was the main motion actor.  His inspiration came from his experience participating in realistic and historically accurate Viking fight reenactments with real weapons and practicing martial arts. His personality was big, loud, fun.  A happy bearded dude who loved working with mocap and being in the gaming industry.
  • Unfortunately, Tony passed shortly after starting this project leaving his work mostly incomplete.
  • May his energy, and spirit, and motion live on.

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