Mobility - 3D Character Animations

Rifle - 3D Character Animations

Zombie - 3D Character Animations

Pistol - 3D Character Animations

Punch - 3D Character Animations

Ninja - 3D Character Animations

looped, posed-matched and edited animation trees for natural character movement IN your GAME OR 3D PROJECT

Conversation - 3D Character Animations

Walking - 3D Character Animations

Dance Party - 3D Character Animations

Bar Drinking - 3D Character Animations

Stadium Crowd - 3D Character Animations

Death - 3D Character Animations

Scared - 3D Character Animations

Climbing Ladder - 3D Character Animations

Office / Desk - 3D Character Animations

Office / Meeting - 3D Character Animations

Park - 3D Character Animations

Children at Play - 3D Character Animations
UE4 Multi-Player 3rd Person Shooter Blueprints
$99.00 - ON SALE !

Mobility - 3D Character Animations

Conversation - 3D Character Animations

Dance Party - 3D Character Animations

Zombie - 3D Character Animations

Stadium Crowd - 3D Character Animations

Park - 3D Character Animations

Children at Play - 3D Character Animations

Rifle - 3D Character Animations

Pistol - 3D Character Animations

Climbing Ladder - 3D Character Animations

Ninja - 3D Character Animations

Walking - 3D Character Animations

Office / Desk - 3D Character Animations

Office / Meeting - 3D Character Animations

Punch - 3D Character Animations

Scared - 3D Character Animations

Death - 3D Character Animations

Bar Drinking - 3D Character Animations

HipFire Shooter - 3D Character Animations
Try before you buy. free demo animations!
- Demo Pack - 1 Move in each format. Test animations and t-pose. And a few extras
- Playable Demo of our UE4 Multi-Player 3rd Person Shooter Blueprint.
- Growing TC Sword Memorial Pack.
FREE MoCap Online Uni-Animation Pack (Demo)
$ 0.00
A FREE Sample of 3D Character Animations from MoCap Online.
Contains animation files in FBX, BIP, Unreal, Unity, Blender & iClone file formats.
Included are several animations from our Mobility, Rifle, Ninja, Zombie and LIFE ArchViz Packs.
A great reference for testing with your pipeline or simply checking out the quality of Mocap Online offerings, this Free Demo Pack download has you covered.
Regardless of what engine or application you are working with currently, all the included files allow you to experiment with other formats and pipelines.
*Template files are included along with basic documentation for each format.
Please go to the individual format and product pages for more detailed information on any specific file format and current pack.
FBX, BIP, Unreal, Unity, Blender & iClone format
And be sure to check out our ever-growing mocap library.
Request animations for us to record and add to the MoCap Online Library.
Keep up to date & Stay in the loop
Regularly updated for 3D software and game engine version release.
FREE UE4 Blueprint: Multiplayer 3rd Person Shooter (DEMO)
$ 0.00
UE4 Multiplayer Shooter V2.1: Blueprints & MoCap Animations
NEW and ENHANCED FEATURES INCLUDING:- Over 200 Animations from Mocap Online, many custom to this pack only.
- Gravity/Velocity based falling damage for Player
- Moving/Rotating Platforms and Elevators
- Acid Pools that cause progressive damage with audio feedback
- Massively redone “TestMap” Level with expanded Ramps and SkyWays, Lookout Sniper Tower, New Audio, and many new entertaining things and places to see and explore.
- All Multi-Players must be using the same version 180511_418
- Different versions are not compatible with one another! For Multiplayer, please make sure all participants have the same current version 180511_418 download.
- Please read all the included docs.
Purchase the Full UE4 Editor Project - Version 3.0 Update
Full UE4 Blueprint Project contains 100% of what is in the playable demo.
NOTE: Version 2.1 doesn't change any gameplay or action seen in the Demo.
You and up to eight players can explore the huge environment for hidden power ups, some platforming and surprises. Take a stroll down W Keystone Rd and visit Porcupine Ct. All while fragging each other with five different Main Weapons and a Pistol. It is fun to do some some exploration in more remote areas with a few surprises. Check out all the new features, weapons and animations. Have fun! Explore! Frag your friends!
Download for FREE and play now!
For Internet Play:
○ Run the MP_TPS_Template.exe (For solo game as well)
○ Must have Steam running in the background.
○ Steam>Settings>Downloads>Download Region - Typically must be set to the same City.
○ It is a HUGE Map, and therefore more fun with many players, BUT...
○ ***NOTE: Anyone can Host a Game/Server. HOWEVER, the power/speed and internet connection of the Host can definitely adversely affect player experience/ animation lag /performance glitches, etc. - as usual in MP games.
○ Demo limited to 8 players - for above reasons.
○ Can play over LAN as well.
Network Replicating Multiplayer 3rd Person Shooter
Master Blueprints for all Assets
UE4 SK_Mannequin and Motus Man 3D Characters
Weapon and Projectile system
Character Animations & Controls
A comprehensive set of Blueprints for a third person shooter with network replication for multiplayer support. A modular system and great starting point to create your own game, with many custom animations and audio. Our MotusMan skeletal mesh is used for NPCs and include several demo animations from our other Mocap Online Animation Packs.
Overall Project Features
- Version 2 - UE4 Engine 4.18 - 4.24
- Massively redone and expanded “TestMap” Level with many new environment additions and Audio.
- Three types of automated moving platforms actor Blueprints: Elevator, Free Translate/Rotate Platform, and Free Translate/Rotate Platform w/Automatic Doors. All with custom audio and auto-reverse collisions.
- Gravity/Velocity based falling damage for Player - Initial plus two thresholds for damage multipliers, and three damage thresholds for different custom audio cues.
- Acid Pools that cause progressive damage with audio feedback.
- Controls and Gameplay instructions throughout the "TestMap" on various walls as Text Objects.
- Pickups have values as floating text that always faces camera.
- Player and Weapon are invisible during scope mode.
- Audio field tweaks.
- Many new entertaining things and places to see too numerous to mention.
- Full Player movement in eight directions - Crouching, Walk, Jog, Sprint - Jumping
- Basic Network Setup for playing through LAN or via Steam.
- Five base weapons plus Pistol to start with, one with Scope.
Technical Info:
- Project is done with 100% Blueprints.
- Player animations all in-place, non-root motion.
Version 2.1 has new Sockets on the Right Hand and Middle Finger for all Weapons, and updated Player Animations for them. The “hand_r_wep” bone is no longer used.
This allows other Characters with skeletal meshes that use the stock Epic Skeleton and proportions to instantly integrate into the Project with the “Assign Skeleton” function. -
Instructions for updating v2 WIP Projects to 2.1 new Weapon Socket features:
MCO_UE4_MPTPS_Blueprints_v20_to_v21_INSTRUCTIONS.pdf - Elements from the Free - "Shooter Game Pack" and "Starter Content" © Epic Games - including audio cues/.wav's, materials, particles, textures and objects - are included and used as examples.
- Custom audio and objects also included and implemented.
- 178 Rifle and Pistol Animations and 32 Aim Offsets, many custom to this pack only.
- 42 MotusMan MocapOnline demo Animations.
- 46 WAV’s and Audio Cue’s
- Weapons Blueprint Details:
- Master Weapon Blueprint can create Child Blueprints from 5 different type firing modes in Hitscan or Projectile variants.
- Firing modes include:
- Single Fire
- Auto Fire
- Burst Fire
- Multi-Fire (shotgun type weapons)
- Stream fire (continuous beam weapons)
- Weapons also deal random damage by setting a min and max damage, including a critical damage multiplier that can be set for increasing headshot damage.
- Master Projectile Blueprint that can create Child Blueprints of various types of projectiles, including bullet or explosives with area of effect damage.
- All Player animations are on the UE4 Mannequin skeletal mesh with IK bones.
- NPC animations are on our MotusMan skeletal mesh, its collisions are set up and ready for Ragdoll if you choose. It is also set as Humanoid for the Retarget Manager, so all animations can be transferred and used on the UE4 Mannequin if desired. The animations are available for separate purchase already on the UE4 Mannequin if desired.
- Full movement in eight directions - Crouching, Walk, Jog, Sprint - Jumping
- Relaxed and Shooting aim offsets.
- Master Health and Ammo Pickups that can create Child Blueprints set to different amounts and respawn times.
- Master Weapon Station that stores up to 5 weapons that can be changed during a match by interacting with it.
- Random respawn that selects at random any player start in the level to respawn a player after death.
- Basic Network Setup for playing through LAN or via Steam.
- WeaponSocket is attached to “hand-r-wep” and is for animated attachment of the Rifle. “hand-r-wep” creates the correct Rifle position always.
- RifleHolsterSocket and PistolHolsterSocket for Rifle and Pistol body attachment.
- Documentation and Instructions are in the HDD folder: “.../Content/Source/” Please read the “MCO_UE4_MPTPS_Blueprints_Documentation.pdf”
TUTORIALS - Mocap Online YouTube Playlist:
Unreal Engine 4 - MP Third Person Shooter Tutorials
John Galt - Programmer 
Elements from the Free - "Shooter Game Pack" and "Starter Content" © Epic Games - including audio cues/.wav's, materials, textures, particles, objects - are included and used as examples.