Conversation - 3D Character Animations

By MoCap Online

$ 29.99



Calmly communicate an idea or cantankerously get your point across. Animations to allow for 3D character expression. A set of 12 different conversation styles with both short looped and long animations. General conversation with talking, explaining and listening as well as different mood variations such as low-key and angry. Also includes direction and gesture animations.

*Animation Pack

28+ Character Conversation Animations In .Bip Format

Includes: Low Key Convo, Upbeat Convo, Animated Convo, Very Animated Convo, Argument 1 & 2, Sad, Directions, Gestures to Side & Up, Big Idea & Listening Animations.

Fingers are animated expressively. Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec. Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec. Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.

28 Animations - 9 LONG, 9 LOOPED, 7 GESTURING, 3 DIRECTIONS - 28 Total Animation Files

BIP - Motion Capture 3D Character Animation provided in biped .BIP file format.

    *3D character animations in Biped format with standard bip bone names for 3D Studio Max and other 3D software that accepts .bip file format.
Technical Info
ID: BIP-Convo-Pack
Format: BIP
Anim Count: 28
Total Files: 28

In-Place Animations: NONE

Latest Update: V-2.0
  • MotusMan_v55 - New updated skeleton.
  • Animations of character standing and having various conversations.
  • Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec.
  • Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec.
  • Fingers are animated expressively.
  • Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.
.BIP Format
  • All animations are .bip format, standard bip bone names.
  • Animations are on our MotusMan_V55 Biped.
  • 3D character animations in Biped format for 3D Studio Max and other 3D software that accepts .bip file format.
MoCap Online 3D Character Animations
  • All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees.
  • Detailed motion-captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions add heightened realism compared to simple blending.
  • Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC

*Animation Pack

28+ Character Conversation Animations In .Fbx Format

Includes: Low Key Convo, Upbeat Convo, Animated Convo, Very Animated Convo, Argument 1 & 2, Sad, Directions, Gestures to Side & Up, Big Idea & Listening Animations.

Fingers are animated expressively. Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec. Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec. Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.

28 Animations - 9 LONG, 9 LOOPED, 7 GESTURING, 3 DIRECTIONS - 28 Total Animation Files

FBX - Motion Capture 3D Character Animation provided in .FBX file format.

    *.FBX character animations compatible with Autodesk Maya, Motion Builder, 3D Studio Max, Blender, and many other 3D software packages.
Technical Info
ID: FBX-Convo-Pack
Format: FBX
Anim Count: 28
Total Files: 28

In-Place Animations: NONE

Latest Update: V-2.0
  • MotusMan_v55 - New updated skeleton.
  • Animations of character standing and having various conversations.
  • Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec.
  • Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec.
  • Fingers are animated expressively.
  • Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.
.FBX Format
  • FBX format with standard FBX bone names.
  • MotusMan_v55 Skeleton
  • .FBX character animations compatible with Autodesk Maya, Motion Builder, 3D Studio Max, Blender, and many other 3D software packages.
MoCap Online 3D Character Animations
  • All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees.
  • Detailed motion-captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions add heightened realism compared to simple blending.
  • Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC

*Animation Pack

28+ Character Conversation Animations For Iclone

Includes: Low Key Convo, Upbeat Convo, Animated Convo, Very Animated Convo, Argument 1 & 2, Sad, Directions, Gestures to Side & Up, Big Idea & Listening Animations.

Fingers are animated expressively. Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec. Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec. Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.

28 Animations - 9 LONG, 9 LOOPED, 7 GESTURING, 3 DIRECTIONS - 28 Total Animation Files

ICL - Motion Capture 3D Character Animations in iMotion format for use with iClone animation software.

    *.rlMotion MoCap Packs are compatible with iClone 7 and higher.
Technical Info
ID: ICL-Convo-Pack
Format: ICL
Anim Count: 28
Total Files: 28

In-Place Animations: NONE

Latest Update: V-2.0
  • New MotusMan_V55 Skeleton
  • All motions are in .rlMotion format for iClone 7 or higher.
  • Animations of character standing and having various conversations.
  • Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec.
  • Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec.
  • Fingers are animated expressively.
  • Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.
  • All motions are in .rlMotion format for iClone 7 or higher.
  • Animations provided with MotusManv55 iAvatar skeleton.
MoCap Online 3D Character Animations
  • All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees.
  • Detailed motion-captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions add heightened realism compared to simple blending.
  • Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC

*Animation Pack

28+ Character Conversation Animations For Unreal Engine

Includes: Low Key Convo, Upbeat Convo, Animated Convo, Very Animated Convo, Argument 1 & 2, Sad, Directions, Gestures to Side & Up, Big Idea & Listening Animations.

Fingers are animated expressively. Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec. Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec. Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.

28 Animations - 9 LONG, 9 LOOPED, 7 GESTURING, 3 DIRECTIONS - 28 Total Animation Files

UE4 - 3D Character Animations for Game Development in UE4 / Unreal Engine

    *Animations are delivered on the UE4 Skeleton in a Unreal Project file, along with source .fbx files. **Animations also available on the Unreal Marketplace.
Technical Info
ID: UE4-Convo-Pack
Format: UE4
Anim Count: 28
Total Files: 28

In-Place Animations: NONE

Latest Update: V-2.0
  • Engine 4.15 - 4.xx
  • For Engine 4.14 and previous - All FBX Source animation files are included and can be imported perfectly.
  • All animations included as Root Motion.
  • Reference Pose is an "A".
  • “A” and “T” pose files included to change the default retarget manager stance.
  • Animations of character standing and having various conversations.
  • Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec.
  • Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec.
  • Fingers are animated expressively.
  • Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.
Unreal Engine MoCap Online 3D Character Animations
  • All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees.
  • Detailed motion-captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions add heightened realism compared to simple blending.
  • Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC

*Animation Pack

28+ Character Conversation Animations For Unity 3D

Includes: Low Key Convo, Upbeat Convo, Animated Convo, Very Animated Convo, Argument 1 & 2, Sad, Directions, Gestures to Side & Up, Big Idea & Listening Animations.

Fingers are animated expressively. Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec. Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec. Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.

28 Animations - 9 LONG, 9 LOOPED, 7 GESTURING, 3 DIRECTIONS - 28 Total Animation Files

UNITY - 3D Character Animations for Game Development in Unity 3D

    * Animation assets delivered as "Project Files" or "Asset Packages" in Unity file format. **Animations also available on the Unity Asset Store.
Technical Info
ID: UNITY-Convo-Pack
Format: UNITY
Anim Count: 28
Total Files: 28

In-Place Animations: NONE

Latest Update: V-2.0
  • New MotusMan_V55 Skeleton and Avatar
  • All animations set as Humanoid, ready for use.
  • Includes documents with Tips on Avatars and Avatar Adjustments, and Reference root motion.
  • All animations are included as Root Motion and In­ Place.
  • True Root Motion (moving reference root) as an option.
  • Animations of character standing and having various conversations.
  • Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec.
  • Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec.
  • Fingers are animated expressively.
  • Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.
Unity 3D
  • Latest MotusMan_V55 Skeleton and Avatar
  • All animations set as Humanoid.
  • Includes documents with
  • All animations are .fbx format, standard fbx bone names.
  • Animation assets delivered as "Project Files" or "Asset Packages" in Unity file format.
  • Animations also available on the Unity Asset Store.
MoCap Online 3D Character Animations
  • All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees.
  • Detailed motion-captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions add heightened realism compared to simple blending.
  • Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC

*Animation Pack

28+ Character Conversation Animations For Blender 3D

Includes: Low Key, Upbeat, Animated, Very Animated, Argument, Sad, Directions, Gestures, Big Idea and Listening.

Fingers are animated expressively. Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec. Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec. Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.

28 Animations - 9 LONG, 9 LOOPED, 7 GESTURING, 3 DIRECTIONS - 28 Total Animation Files

BLENDER - MoCap 3D Character Animations for Blender 3D.

    *Animations now available for Blender 3D.
Technical Info
ID: BLENDER-Convo-Pack
Anim Count: 28
Total Files: 28

In-Place Animations: NONE

Latest Update: V-2.0
  • MotusMan_v55 - New updated skeleton.
  • Animations of character standing and having various conversations.
  • Full length extended source animations with continuous variations, each over 60 sec.
  • Looped versions, each approximately 30 sec.
  • Fingers are animated expressively.
  • Directional animations have multiple looped versions, one for each direction.
Blender 3D
  • Fully Blender Native and Optimized
  • Ready for use with all animation tools, including: Rig On The Fly and/or any other animation plugins, and Remap/Retargeting with Auto_Rig_Pro and Rokoko_Studio plugin for Advanced Rigging and Retargeting to other Characters.
  • Blender Conversion created with Brad Clark in association with Rigging_Dojo
MoCap Online 3D Character Animations
  • All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees.
  • Detailed motion-captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions add heightened realism compared to simple blending.
  • Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC


3D Viewer

CONVO Pack - 3D Viewer - Animation Player

Animation List

CONVO-Pack - Animation List (Download)


CONVO-Pack - Animation List (Download)

*View in Google Sheets
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***Download XLSX

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