By MoCap Online
$ 29.9930+ WALK Animations for Blender 3D
INCLUDES: Relaxed, Mad, Cheerful, Texting, Phone Call, Look Around, Stroll, Music, Happy Dance, Running Late, Cautious, Creeping, Power Walk, Strut, Skipping.
30 Animations - 15 WALK STYLES - LONG AND LOOPED VERSIONS - ALL INCLUDED AS IN-PLACE - 60 Total Animation Files
MoCap 3D Character Animations for Blender 3D.
*Animations now available for Blender 3D.
technical info
Anim Count: 30
Total Files: 60
Latest Update: V-
- Short looped versions, one to six cycles depending on Style.
- Traveling and In-Place for all.
- Fully Blender Native and Optimized
- Ready for use with all animation tools, including Rig on the Fly and/or any other animation plugins, and Remap/Retargeting with Auto Rig Pro and Rokoko Studio plugin for Advanced Rigging and Retargeting to other Characters.
- Blender Conversion created with Brad Clark in association with Rigging Dojo
- All idles and transitions have been carefully pose-matched for seamless motion trees
- Detailed motion-captured transitions to and from Idles and locomotions add heightened realism compared to simple blending..
- Provided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC
3d viewer
animation list
BLENDER WALK Life - Animation List (Download) BLENDER WALK Life - Animation List (Download) MOCAP ONLINE / MOTUS DIGITAL