MoCap Online - 3D Animation for Game Development & CG Productions
Motion Capture Online Provides High Quality 3D Character Animations for Game Development and CG Production.
Motions were captured at Motus Digital Motion Capture Animation Studio. Data was tracked, cleaned, solved, pose-matched, looped and edited to create animation trees with seamless transitions. Packs include 100+ animations of specific genera such as; mobility, rifle, ninja or zombie collections.
MoCap Packs are compatible with game engines such as Unreal, Unity or Crytek. As well as Autodesk software such as MotionBuilder, Maya or 3ds Max.
Motion Capture Online will continue to grow our animation library by expanding on our existing MoCap Packs, as well as expanding into new movement types. If you have any questions, comments or would like to request character animations, email us at;