Zombie Animation Update - now with hyper moves!

The Zombie Pro 2.5 pack with new hyper moves is out now!
It's available on our www.motioncaptureonline.com store, has been submitted to the UE4 Marketplace, and has just been made available on the Unity Asset Store. We make different versions for all platforms, and all get deployed on our store first.
You can check out the animations on Sketchfab, it's still a little annoying trying to read the list of motion names, but they are all there.
View 3D Animations on Sketchfab:
New Moves Include:
- Three different style fast runs, including starts from standing.
- Knockbacks from attacks.
- Knockbacks from walks and chases, then resuming pursuit.
- Hit deaths in four directions.
- Eight variations of being on fire and death.
- Stand to Crawl and Crawl to stand transitions, including legs getting knocked out.
- Three new different varied Idles.
- Four different standing arm swinging attacks.
- Four different hyper aggressive flailing arms attacks.
There are three versions available, with smaller packs to get you feet wet:
Pro - 100.00
Basic - 35.00
Starter - 5.00
New animation list(s) here:
More Details:
Zombie Pro - MoCap Pack
Updated: Rev. 2.5
Major update! Hyper Zombies! (For UE4 all animations as Root Motion and In-Place)
INCLUDING: Hyper-Chase Running, Hyper-Attacks, On-Fire Variations and Deaths, Hits, Knock Backs, Crawling/Transitions, Standing Idles Variations, Walking, Slow Chasing, Directional Deaths, Reaching, Turns, and Shambles.
Create and control your own Zombie Horde with this set of flesh-hungry Undead animations. We obtained and motion captured actual REAL Zombies in our studio! (No we didn't) Bring your undead game to life. Now with Hyper Zombie moves to energetically wreak havoc in the Zombie apocalypse!
View 3D Animations on Sketchfab:
Watch Demo Vimeo:
- Rev. 2.5 Update
- Major update highlights:
- Many animations added.
- Hyper Attacks with variations.
- Hyper Chases/Running with variations and transitions.
- New Idles and variations.
- On-Fire animations and Deaths.
- Knock Backs, Hits, and Death animations.
- Standing and Crawling hits and transitions.
Anyone who purchased it already on the Marketplace and wants the update now instead waiting for it to show up in a few days/weeks(?) can email us at UE4@motusdigital.com and I'll get it to you directly. Please include your original Marketplace order confirmation!
We have gotten a lot of positive feedback so far on the new animations, hopefully you guys will agree and dig them as well!