“A” POSE OR “T” POSE - THE UE4 RETARGET MANAGER Some of our older current packs come with a default original Epic “T” pose for the humanoid “Retarget Manager”. This is different from the newer “A” pose from Epic. Since when they were created many users asked if we could provide a “T” that they were already using, we obliged. Now new users are only aware of and want the “A” so we are switching back again. A small history lesson FWIW (Stay awake class): The "correct" pose is a matter of opinion, since...
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A number of UE4 support questions have been forward compatibility of our packs to newer engine versions. Also the "T" versus "A" Pose has come up a lot. Please check out our FAQ and for these questions and more things UE4. PDF download here:https://goo.gl/gXK49z ------------------------------------------------- MOCAPONLINE ANIMATIONS - UE4 VERSION COMPATIBILITY AND USAGE Most all of our animation packs are compatible with all current UE4 engine versions 4.8 - 4.xx. That is the short answer, this doc will go into detail about importing them and other notes on their usage. Please...
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UPDATE: 03/06/2017 Jesse has posted a new video showing off the new Mobility Pack controller WIP! Great stuff, please check it out:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7SEINoSK4g 02/14/2017 After a lot of research and dev time, our first UE4 Mocap Animation Packs containing Blueprints and Animation Controllers are now available! “Zombie Pro” and “Zombie Basic” are available on Mocap Online and will be on the Unreal Marketplace as well soon. They have sample blueprints with notes, and a third person controller to make our undead friend walk, chase and attack. Taking advantage of custom attributes...
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Download our new Free Uni-Pack: Containing animation files in .FBX, UE4, Unity 3D and .BIP formats. Included are several animations from our Mobility Pack, plus one interesting animation from each of our other categories: Rifle, Pistol, Ninja, Punches, Zombie and LIFE ArchViz. This pack is a great reference for testing with your pipeline or simply checking out the quality of Mocap Online offerings, this Uni-Pack download has you covered. Regardless of what engine or application you are working with currently, all the included files allow you to experiment with other...
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