2017 Huge Update From MoCap Online.

Long before launching MoCap Online we learned a lot about the animation needs of different developers and 3d artists. Based on the feedback we received we now regularly update our packs to make them more useful to a broader number of users. Our packs have grown from a few hundred raw animations to large integrated 700+ move packs. Our updates include short/long takes, in-place/traveling animations and unedited along with custom attributes, blueprints, and controllers.
Because we are constantly updating & adding to our packs, we decided to start an "All-Pack Status" blog series to show the current state of all of our animations across every format. Updates are delivered through 3rd party stores or by logging into your account at MoCapOnline.com if the pack was purchased through our website. Information and packs will always be current on our website whereas 3rd party stores may be delayed by submission processes.
Email us at MoCap@MotusDigital.com if you purchased a pack that you are having trouble updating. Include your receipt and order information to help us verify your purchase.
Our packs are typically available in 3 separate tiers. Starter packs are simple sets that are great for prototyping, testing and only cost a few bucks. Basic packs are mid-tier sets with sixty to one hundred animations that are great for indie games and/or lower budget projects. They can be used to make a fully functional animated character. Pro packs are extensive animation sets that allow you to build a deep animation tree to control your 3d characters.
All of our packs are available in multiple formats. Our animations are created natively as .FBX which imports into most 3d software and game engines. They are then converted to .BIP for people working inside 3ds Max and other supported applications. Packs for game engines include scene files specific to Unity, Unreal and Cryengine. Unity uses the exact same skeleton as our .FBX version. Cry and UE4 use skeletons designed to be standardized to those engines and UE4 also has root motion on all animations. Also, keep an eye out for UE4 blueprint animation controllers that are in the works!!MOCAP ONLINE ANIMATION PACKS
MoCap Online offers 3d character animation trees for Mobility, Rifle, Pistol, Ninja, Zombie and Punching. We also offer “Life - Arch Viz” animations for Walks, Conversations, Office, Desk, Meetings, Crowd, and Deaths. Animations are edited, looped, pose-matched and include in-place and traveling versions. Root motions are also included for some game engine versions.
***All pack counts listed are based on FBX versions. For the most accurate count and details always refer to our website and individual pack documentation.***
Animations to move your 3d character around a virtual world. Mobility is our “base pack” that our other packs integrate with.
Mobility Starter (28 animations)
Includes walks, jogs, crouch-walks in the forward direction with transitions in and out of a basic idle stand, standing turns at 90 degrees, as well as jumps for walk and jog.
Mobility Basic (103 animations)
Includes runs as well as walk, jog and crouch-walk locomotions in four directions. Looks and turns at 90 degrees in all directions. Also includes an idle fidget, jumps in all directions, a conversation animation and deaths in 4 directions.
Mobility Pro (302 animations)
Pro pack has all animations in 8 directions and hops in all directions. Turns and looks are in 45-degree increments. A full set of backpedals for all locomotions and a full set of jumps in all directions for all locomotions & for both feet. Has multiple idles, conversations, fidgets and everything from the basic pack.
Mobility Updates
We added diagonal strafing, 45 turns, backpedals, additional transitions and much more. UE4 version now include root and in-place motion. A Blueprint controller is in the works.
Rifle Starter (28 animations)
Includes forward aiming locomotions for walk, jog, and crouch-walks. In-place animations and transitions in and out of locomotion loops. Right foot first walking jumps. Firing animations. Ninety degree turns and aim offsets right and left. Transitions from relaxed to aim.
Rifle Basic (109 animations)
Includes both relaxed and aiming animations. Four types of locomotives including runs. All turns and looks are in ninety degree increments in all four directions. Four directional locomotions with right foot first jumps. Left and right circle turns. Relaxed standing deaths. Also includes relaxed and aiming reloads, holstering and fidgets.
Rifle Pro (528 animations)
Full set of aiming and relaxed animations. Looks and turns are in 45 degree increments. All locomotions are 8 directional with all in and out transitions. Also includes a full set of backpedal animations for crouch walk, walk and jog. Jumps come in both left foot and right foot first. Has hops, deaths, fidgets and everything from the basic pack.
Rifle Updates
Added Root Motion and In-Place animations for UE4. Diagonal strafing, including back pedals, Left and Right foot-first jumps, with edited pose and velocity matched end frames. Stands and turns to crouch/walk/jog/run forward in eight directions. Look-at aim offsets.
Pistol Starter (28 animations)Includes forward aiming locomotions for walk, jog, and crouch-walks. In-place animations and transitions in and out of locomotion loops. Right foot-first walking jumps. Firing animations. Ninety degree turns and aim offsets right and left. Transitions from relaxed to aim.
Pistol Basic (72 animations)
Includes both relaxed and aiming animations. Four types of locomotives including runs. All turns and looks are in ninety degree increments in all four directions. Four directional locomotions with right foot-first jumps. Left and right circle turns. Relaxed standing deaths. Also includes relaxed and aiming reloads, holstering and fidgets.
Pistol Pro (214 animations)
Full set of Aimed and Relaxed animations. All locomotions are 4 directional with all transitions. Locomotions include in-place and traveling animations. Looks and turns are in 45 degree increments. Multiple fidgets and hops and everything from the basic pack.
Zombie Starter (19 animations)
All locomotions have transitions from stand. The 1 crawl cycle also has an IP version. It also has a short and a full version of 1 walk animation. It has 1 attack, 1 reach, and 1 death animation. It has idles that also transition to the standard mobility idle. And a turn 90 degrees to the left and right.
Zombie Basic (69 animations)
Comes with 3 full sets of walks. 3 sets of idles 2 sets of reaches and 1 set of slow shambling. Turns also include 180s. Has 4 attacks including a hyper attack. Deaths in 4 directions plus two on fire deaths. 2 full sets of crawl animations. 3 full sets of chases 3 with knock backs and 1 hyperchase.
Zombie Pro (174 animations)
A total of 5 full sets of chase animations and 3 Hyperchases. 2 sets of slow shambling. 6 Variations of walks including getting knocked back while walking. 4 sets of idles. 5 Full sets of attacks including knockbacks from attack. 4 Hyper attacks. At least 4 deaths in all directions and 4 deaths by fire including longer variations. 4 variations of all turns both 90 and 180 degrees L and R and everything from the basic pack. Pro UE4 pack also comes with a motion controller!
Zombie Updates
UE4 Controller demo is now live! Recent updates include Hyper attacks, hyper chases and transitions. New Idles variations as well as On-Fire animations and Deaths.
Knock Backs, Hits. Standing and Crawling hits and transitions.
Ninja Starter (13 animations)
Includes a punch, kick, and knockdown animation. A duck and a forward roll. Left and right turn 90 degrees. Relaxed and ready idles. Walking forward and 2 animations for jumping up to a platform.
Ninja Basic (73 animations)
Adds jogs walks and runs in 4 directions and has in-place versions. Has rolls in 4 directions and a back flip. Has jumps in 4 directions and a looped in air jump. Has single version of punches and kicks at 3 heights and backward. Relaxed and ready turns 90 and 180s. Has two knockdowns..Has 10 animations for interacting with platforms.
Ninja Pro (167 animations)
3 versions each of punches and kicks at different heights and backwards. 3 Knockdown animations. More rolls flips and dodges in all directions. 8 Relaxed idle fidgets. Transitions between ready and relaxed. Has 34 animations for traversing platforms and everything from the basic pack.
Punch Starter (20 animations)
Has a single version of jab/hook/cross/uppercut and each hit reaction. The full set of block animations. Dodge left and right. 2 knock-outs and winning celebration.
Punch Basic (47 animations)
Has regular, hard and miss version of all punches. Tired and hurt idles. Eight animations for getting hit. Full set of dodges and weaves. Additional knock-out and celebration animations.
Punch Pro (145 animations)
Has Eight idle fidgets, three hurt idles and four tired animations. Additional variety of punches and add special exaggerated, hurt, and follow through versions. Has Forty animations for reactions to being hit, eleven knockouts, seven celebration animations and everything from the basic pack.
Architectural visualization and background character animations, including:
A collection of 28 animations to help your 3d characters communicate with each other. With detailed finger animation. Includes upbeat, sad, arguments, directions, listening, explaining, and more.
Walking Pack
60 walk animations with 15 different styles. We have 4 versions of each walk style. A version that is looped and one that is long and unlooped. And these are delivered as traveling and In-Place. Includes relaxed, cautious, cheerful, mad, strut, happy dance and more.
Crowd Pack
A collection of 108 animations cheering and watching a sporting event. Huge variety of actions standing, sitting and moving. Watching with interest to all manners of manic excitement, and everything inbetween. Bored, booing, cheering, clapping, mad, upset, the wave, high fives, talking, shouting, jumping up, getting to seat, and many variations.
35 animations for simulation behavior in and around an office and at a desk. Sitting at desk, answering phones, on computer, talking with person. Walking with objects and conversing.
37 animations for creating a business meeting and giving a presentation. Sitting at table, conversations and other interactions in different directions, standing presentations.
A collection of 16 deaths for more variety. Many of them over-the-top and entertaining. Head shots, gut shots, shoulder hits, clothes lined, knocked back, picking up your guts, and more fun.