Our CryEngine Animation Packs are now LIVE and for sale on MocapOnline.com! Long time in the making, all of our CryEngine Motion Capture Animation Packs are now online and ready for purchase at our web store MocapOnline.com . Zombies, Rifle, Mobility, Punching, Life/Architectural with Stadium Crowd, Office Desk and Meetings, Walks, Conversations and Deaths is all there with more on the way. We have more brand NEW Animation Packs coming soon as well. All animation files are in CryEngine native I_CAF format, and on the CryEngine version of our MotusMan skeletal mesh....
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Long before launching MoCap Online we learned a lot about the animation needs of different developers and 3d artists. Based on the feedback we received we now regularly update our packs to make them more useful to a broader number of users. Our packs have grown from a few hundred raw animations to large integrated 700+ move packs. Our updates include short/long takes, in-place/traveling animations and unedited along with custom attributes, blueprints, and controllers. Because we are constantly updating & adding to our packs, we decided to start an...
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FBX Architectural Life Animations / Crowd Simulation Animations - Now available at MoCap Online. PACKS INCLUDED: Walking, Conversations, Office Meetings, Office Desk, Stadium Crowd & Deaths. We are announcing the release of "LIFE Animations", basic everyday human motions. They are intended for background characters, architectural simulations or crowd simulations. LIFE: Office Meeting - MoCap Animation Pack 34 Office meeting animations of a person at a meeting. Listening, discussing, presenting, etc. Many variations in both sitting and standing positions. http://www.mocaponline.com/products/fbx-meeting LIFE: Office Desk - MoCap Animation Pack 35 Office Desk animations of an employee...
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MoCap animations are not available in Cryengine formate.
Visit MoCap Online's publisher page on the Cryengine Marketplace
[CRY] Mobility Pro
[CRY] Rifle Pro
[CRY] Zombie Pro
See the rest of our animation assets on the Cryengine Marketplace.
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