iClone Animations now available at Mocap Online!

Great news for Reallusion iClone users, our entire motion capture animation library is now available as iMotion on MocapOnline.com!
You iClone folks talked to us and we listened. Every animation pack is now in iMotion format. Including all the LIFE/Architectural as well as Mobility, Rifle, Pistol, Punches, Ninja and the popular Zombie packs.
LIFE/ArchViz has Crowds, Walking, Conversation, Office Desk and Meetings - all there for your film making creativity to populate your cinematic scenes, with more coming up and being added all the time. The other Motion Packs cover all sorts of action from ordinary to extraordinary and are organized into pose matched motion trees so you can create complete varied and custom performances by assembling different parts.
And using them is easy. Just put the iMotion files in your iClone "Custom" Motion folder and you're ready to go. Our MotusMan Character is also included as a base to use or preview them with.
You can also check out videos and tutorials for Mocap Online animations and iClone over at: Wungun Shun's Channel on YouTube! Wungun is an avid user of iClone and big part of the Reallusion Community, has used our animations in several projects past and current, and is always doing entertaining live broadcasts and informative tutorials so check him out!
Wungun Chats Live with Mocap Online!
Crispin and Chris are his guests, and we get into all things motion capture, iClone, Ninjas, kitchen animations breaking eggs, upcoming packs, the meaning of life, and Chris's awesome Parkour Gym and Team -
Somatic Movement: Dallas Parkour
Somatic Movement: Dallas Parkour Gym
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SomaticMovementGym/
Wungun Shun - YouTube Channel
Mocap Online - Motion Capture Animation Packs
Reallusion / iClone