MoCap Online News

iClone Animations now available at Mocap Online!

iClone Animations now available at Mocap Online! - MoCap Online

Great news for Reallusion iClone users, our entire motion capture animation library is now available as iMotion on! You iClone folks talked to us and we listened. Every animation pack is now in iMotion format. Including all the LIFE/Architectural as well as Mobility, Rifle, Pistol, Punches, Ninja and the popular Zombie packs. LIFE/ArchViz has Crowds, Walking, Conversation, Office Desk and Meetings - all there for your film making creativity to populate your cinematic scenes, with more coming up and being added all the time. The other Motion Packs cover all sorts of...

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MOCAP ONLINE SHOOTS (BETA) - Custom 3D Motion Capture Animation for Game Development and CG Production.

MOCAP ONLINE SHOOTS (BETA) - Custom 3D Motion Capture Animation for Game Development and CG Production. - MoCap Online

Our most common request is for custom 3D animations. Until now, our only method was to quote an entire motion capture shoot with studio rentals, actor fees, technicians, followed by days, weeks or even months of tracking, solving and editing work. Even a few animations would easily cost thousands of dollars.  We were essentially turning customers away because no one has a big budget for just a few pick-up moves. Introducing MoCap Online Custom Shoots! MoCap Online Custom Shoots will allow animators and developers to share production costs and receive...

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MoCap Online & Motus Digital @ Game Developers Conference 2017 #GDC17

MoCap Online & Motus Digital @ Game Developers Conference 2017 #GDC17 - MoCap Online

MoCap Online will be at the GDC Our flights are booked,  our Airbnb is reserved and our tickets are purchased. MoCap Online is going to the 2017 Game Developers Conference!We don't have a booth this year but we will be at the GDC meeting with customers, catching up with old friends, and checking out the latest and greatest mocap and animation technology.If you're going to be in town for the game developers conference just let us know below so we can meet over drinks or a meal. We look forward...

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UE4 MoCap Packs Now With Controller and Blueprints

UE4 MoCap Packs Now With Controller and Blueprints - MoCap Online

UPDATE: 03/06/2017 Jesse has posted a new video showing off the new Mobility Pack controller WIP! Great stuff, please check it out:   02/14/2017  After a lot of research and dev time, our first UE4 Mocap Animation Packs containing Blueprints and Animation Controllers are now available! “Zombie Pro” and “Zombie Basic” are available on Mocap Online and will be on the Unreal Marketplace as well soon. They have sample blueprints with notes, and a third person controller to make our undead friend walk, chase and attack. Taking advantage of custom attributes...

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